
Telehealth is provided through the Simple Practice Portal. This is a HIPAA compliant way to communicate. Telehealth provides flexibility in attending your session. Please keep in mind the following for your telehealth sessions:

  1. You must physically be present in the state of Iowa for your session. Since I am only licensed in the state of Iowa, I cannot ethically provide services outside of the state.
  2. You must be in an environment that allows you to have privacy. No other people may be present during your session.
  3. You must not be driving during your session.
  4. Your camera and microphone must be enabled.

You will receive an email 48 hours in advance of your session with your telehealth appointment link. If you are using a desktop or laptop computer, you will click on this link at the time of your session.

If you are using a phone or tablet you will need to download the Simple Practice Telehealth app. This app will allow you to enter your unique video appointment link to start your session.

Helpful tips:

  1. If using a smart phone or tablet, please silence your device using Do Not Disturb.
  2. It is helpful to shut down other apps on your smart phone prior to your session.